Poetry & Short Prose Submissions

If you have written a short poem or piece of prose that you would like to share with other visitors, please send me an e-mail containing your piece. I will not post anything unless you also include your real name and e-mail address, which I swear on a stack of bibles I will keep private. If you wish me to post your poem anonymously, I will do so if requested, otherwise your name will be appended to your work. If you want feedback from other visitors, please tell me to hyper-link your e-mail address.

Any submissions are your property; I claim no ownership or copyright to anything you want to share. I also do not pay anything; seeing your work online is the only reward I can offer. I do not promise to post everything that is sent to me - the decision to post or not post lies with me alone and your submissions are subject to my quirky tastes. I will, however, respond to all submissions and advise whether or not they will be posted, and when. Page design for your work will be at my discretion. If you want to make suggestions, I will try to co-operate.


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