So don't get me wrong, I am not beating my chest and saying, oh if only I could go back and change things. I would not. (Well...except maybe the tattoo thing, that was really dumb...but I digress). But the point is that I still don't know where I am. And over the last year or so, things have really begun to overwhelm me. It had become where every day was just a struggle to get through, get it over with, then get up and do it all over again. I had come to hate my job (which I used to love), lose patience with my children, cry a lot, and just generally feel that I was not coping well with anything. Adding to that came a few new stresses - family illnesses and such - and I think I was brinking on a nervous breakdown. (Does a person know when they're going crazy? All I could think was, I'm losing my mind, no I can't be, because I wouldn't know it if I were...but if I were, I think this is what it would feel like...etc., etc.) It's a very scary feeling.Looking Back
There is no single day
or time
within the life
I've so far lived
that I'd have changed
or altered.
Possibly there are some days
I could have missed
and never missed,
but I suspect that I could not
have come down to this place
a different way.
As I suspect that being here
I don't as yet know where I am.
Rod McKuen