Mystery Visitors - of the alien kind this time...

My husband and I watched a UFO show the other night, and as usual, it lead to pillow talk of the strangest sort... We've always been interested in such things; we keep an open mind and basically, we're believers. Love science fiction, fascinated with space travel, intrigued by the paranormal - growing up, we were (or at least I know I was) considered sort of weird by our peers. Now every time you turn around, there is yet another show all about alien abductions or psychic powers, and people you never dreamed would be interested quite freely admit they watch them all. The sudden popularity of these shows sort of makes us wonder... (Even children's programming has succumbed - no longer do you see Marvin the Martian but instead this morning's Animaniacs featured a trio of 'classic' aliens). Years ago, I read a really neat sci-fi story about aliens who resembled giant snails, and it detailed the P.R. job the government put on in order to 'soften' the general public before unveiling these critters. Are we being 'prepared'?

I have my own theories about alien encounters, the origins of man, and the future of our species. I'm not going to share those thoughts here, but instead simply try to raise questions. One of my favourite authors, Spider Robinson, opened an interesting avenue of thought regarding the new world order and the, hmm, alien concept of glasnost and disarmament. Our conversation curved around to that eventually, and it struck us as interesting that so many unusual, unexpected events converged almost simultaneously. Almost involuntarily, as if driven...or required.

I can't decide if I'm excited or scared about the actual possibility of contact with aliens. Curiosity killed the cat, eh. And yet, and can it be so bad? If you extrapolate beyond these vague thoughts that maybe an extraterrestrial touch is forcing our world leaders to break down barriers, and opening the general public's mind to accepting the unusual, then perhaps the end result would be world peace and a better future... Or, on the flip side, once all our nuclear weapons are disarmed and we're brainwashed into accepting alien beings, (even begging them to come visit), aren't we just ripe for the picking?

To Serve it a cookbook? Or will we all live long and prosper?

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